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1 Translation result for obliged in Spanish


oblige verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
obliged, has obliged, is obliging, obliges
obligar; hacerle un favor (a alguien), complacer

Example sentences of
oblige verb

  • The law obliges the government to release certain documents to the public.
  • Her job obliges her to work overtime and on weekends.
  • She's always ready to oblige her friends.
  • "Thank you for your help." "I'm happy to oblige."
  • They asked for food and he obliged with soup and sandwiches.

Detailed synonyms for oblige verb

1. Oblige, accommodate, favor significan brindar un servicio o una cortesía.
  • Oblige indica poner a alguien en deuda con uno al hacer algo que le es grato <eager to oblige everyone>.
  • Accommodate, cuando se usa en conexión con servicios, puede ocupar el lugar de oblige, o puede connotar el intento de brindar ayuda <willing to accommodate their unusual requests>.
  • Favor indica el prestar un servicio como cortesía y sin imponer una obligación o esperar algo a cambio <luck favored him this time>.
2. See: Force
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Reverse translation for obliged

obligar  - to force, to require, to oblige 
hacerle un favor  (a alguien)
complacer  - to please